Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Wonderful Opportunities

Sometimes it's funny how things work out. I have had some amazing opportunities presented to me over the last week or so and I am very thankful for each and every one of them.

Somedays I struggle with who I am as a photographer...I have a really hard time not comparing myself to others. However, when it all comes down to it, I love this! I love being able to do what I love and share with others that passion.

This weekend I have a couple of shoots back home in Tulsa, and an opportunity to meet up with a local photog and learn a little. Because it's all about the learning opportunities. When I stop learning...I stop becoming better at everything I do. Next weekend I will head back up there for an amazing workshop that I hope will take my photography to the next level.

Here is one little taste of what I am working on right now...

I had the opportunity to capture a small get together for a 50th Wedding Anniversary. This is just one of the guests that was sweet is she?

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Lighting Workshop

I just won a spot in a lighting workshop!!!! Holy Moly, i never win anything.

Let's back up a little though - over the last couple of days I saw some posts on Facebook from the lovely Dana Suggs about a workshop she attended for off camera lighting and it looked amazing. But seeing as how I am 5 hours wasn't a likelihood that I would be able to attend anything like that. Curiousity got the best of me and I started checking it out. Flash forward to today - I was playing around in facebook....I mean working really hard...and I saw an update from the OkStrobist Group that they were giving away 5 free spots to their upcoming workshop.

I WON!!!!! I won a free spot. This is so great and is coming at a great time for me. I really want to learn more about off camera lighting and i think it is really going to take me to the next level.

So stinkin great!!!

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Spring Pictures

This year I was incredible blessed to have the opportunity to do the school pictures for a local private school. Fall didn't go so well due to some technial issues and a crazy printing company - but Spring...well Spring Pictures have been a completely different story. As I cycled through 200 students I fell more in love with these sweet little kids.

I got home, exhausted and wind blown...because Texas has some crazy wind right now...and downloaded all of the images. Some of the pictures were great, some were not...but mainly because kids around 5th or 6th grade just aren't really sure of how they should look in pictures. Boy's don't want to matter WHAT you say or do. Girls are afraid their braces make them look ugly. But the majority of the pictures were amazing...I knew the parents would love them.

I made some minor adjustments to all the images and sent them off to have the proofs printed. Fast forward a week and I just picked up the first batch of orders. As I ran thru the orders this morning, I was reminded how sweet these little ones are.

Since no post is complete without a are two of my favorites that make my heart melt.

Bluebonnets are here!! Now I just need to get some mini-sessions booked for next week.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

PhotoFusion with Kristin Weaver

Last year I came across an AMAZING woman that started the Images For A Cure project. I was so very new in my business but signed up and really just prayed that I would have someone book a session with me. A year later, and my business is definately in a different place but still no where near where I want it to be. I have learned from so many great photographers and continue to grow. Kristin is hosting a contest right now to come to Miami and do a fashion shoot with her. It would be amazing to win this and learn so much from someone who is so inspiring, both with her photography as well as her heart.

This photo is from a recent session...I would really like to grow this part of my business and I think Kristin is definately the inspiration I need.

Check out the details here Kristin Weaver Blog

Cross your fingers for me!!