Friday, July 22, 2011

August Boudoir Event - What to Wear

I'm really excited about the Boudoir Event that is coming up on August 19 & 20th.  There are still about 4 spots open on the 20th and I would LOVE love to see you there.

A lot of women ask what they should wear.  So I thought I would show a couple of ideas.  Keep in mind, the boudoir events are all about what you are comfortable in.  You don't have to dress in the super sexy lingerie...we can totally rock out a cute pair of boy shorts and a tshirt.  However...if you want some ideas, here are some of my faves that I have come across lately.

sexy, flirty, and maybe even a little bit retro

The ever fabulous Victoria's Secret

Find something that makes you feel amazing.  Play up your assets...and leave the rest to me.

So...what are you going to choose?  Sexy and and flirty...super hot...

email me now and let's get you booked!


Thursday, July 21, 2011

how big is an 8x10 after it's all said and done?

Your session is complete, your saw your gallery and are in love with your, it's time to order.

"I want a BIG 8x10", she said.

How many times have you placed your portrait order thinking that an 8x10 is going to be the perfect size.  You might even have the perfect place for it...right over the couch.

You get it home and framed and are so proud of it.  You mark the perfect place, hang the image, step back and...wait..that might just not work.

Below is an example of an 8x10 canvas and then a canvas grouping.  Click the image to see a better view.

Talk to your photographer and discuss where you are going to display your pictures.  Let me show you what will work best for your ideal area.

For our fall sessions I am going to start doing in person viewings of your session.  The calendar fills up fast - so make sure to book yours now :)  I can't wait to meet you!

Thursday, July 14, 2011

August Boudoir Weekend

I love newsletters.  They are such a great way to communicate all the great things going on.

The August Boudoir Weekend info just went out.  Didn't receive it and want the details...

Boudoir sessions are one of my FAVORITE sessions.  It is such a fun experience!  Sign up and get some extra fun goodies!

Much Love!

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Houston Family {Inspiration Through Art Photographer, Plano, TX}

Jim and Laura have been blessed with three amazing children: Emma, Sophie, and Nate. They also face some challenges that you might not see at your first glance. Nate is challenged with Type 1 Diabetes and Sophie battles Crohn's Disease. They are beautiful children; full of life, full of energy, and ready to face the world.

Nate is three years old and is so very proud of it. He is inquisitive and always appears to be on an adventure. While mom and I talked, he would take off around the park checking things out. He is super sweet and can has the most amazing blue eyes.

Sophie is precious. Mom and I were talking about her disease and I was informed that up until that week, she had been in remission. Since our session, little Sophie has had a really rough few days. She was a trooper through the full session and never complained about being out in the heat.

Emma is the oldest child. She is healthy and I would imagine a big help to her mom and dad. She is beautiful and is going to become an incredibly beautiful young lady. She is a great big sister. She watches over her sister and brother with a careful eye, but still maintains an innocence that only a child can - even in the midst of the chaos that surrounds this family.

Throughout all the daily struggles the Houston Family is faced with...they are passionate, happy, and full of an incredible love.

I am honored to be the chosen photograher for the Houston Family and hope they know that their strength inspires me. They have touched my heart like only Hero's can.

To learn more about Nate and Sophie's stories you can check out their blog here

I am honored to be a photographer for the Inspiration Through Art program.
"Our mission at Inspiration Through Art is to help provide and capture memories for families who are dealing with hectic schedules due to having a child who is suffering from a serious illness or life altering disability. We are here to offer emotional support through the beauty and expression art has to offer, as a way of healing and coping. We understand that in the midst of being thrown a diagnosis and having to switch from a “normal” life to a life that is totally different, and often scary, things like getting photos taken is sometimes a huge challenge and is one of the last things families are thinking about. But when everything is done, and either the child has reached the end of their battle, or has proven the odds against it many wish they had more time to stop, and capture the journey that they lived through for so long."

So if you know of a child or family that is suffering from a serious illness or life altering ability - I encourage you to check out the Inspiration Through Art website. 

Much Love


MaddiePie Creations