Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Inspired - Jasmine Star

This time of year is really tough for a lot of photographers.  It is the calm before the storm.  It is a time when we panic because we are not as busy as we would like to be and even though the calendars are filling up in the coming months ... at this moment it looks bleak.

I take January and February to work on things that I know I will not have time for in the coming months.  I work on my branding, education, take workshops, learn as much as I can to become a better photographer.  I never want to stand still.  I never want to think that I know everything.

When I evaluate things that I want to learn over the coming year, I almost always come back to wanting to learn from Jasmine Star.  She is self taught and has such a personality and flare for the things in her life.  She continually inspires others...and as she puts it this incredible video, she is Telling Her Own Story.

Jasmine Star - Love your story from Anton Lorimer on Vimeo.

Tonight I have an online workshop with Crave Photography, next week I'm attending a seminar by the incredible Jerry Ghionis.  So look for a lot of exciting things coming up as I continue to be inspired and continue to grow.

Much Love

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