Wednesday, October 26, 2011

And....they're back! Archer Family - October 2011

The Archer Family ... if you know them, they have left a lasting impression on you.  I was thinking the other day - I have known this family since before they were a family. 
I love them so incredibly much! 

A season, a reason, or a lifetime...

They are for sure the last two

Cherie understands how precious pictures are.  She drives Matt crazy with them, because we do them a couple times a year.  However, I know better...he is super proud of his family and loves to show them off.

Cherie said it perfectly the other day
"When you can't remember a specific moment in your life, your picture are there to remind you"

Well Said!

Family pictures this time around are a little different.  They have the amazing opportunity to have a foreign exchange student living with them. 

We call him Jakob...because frankly, none of us Americans can say his first name correctly. 

Jakob is this amazing kid who has fit in so perfectly with their family.

Here is what I know about Jakob in the 2-3 months he has been here

He LOVES American Football
I mean - he REALLY loves it.  I think he could easily put some grown men to shame with the stats that he knows.

He LOVES hamburgers
Well, maybe just food in general...but hamburgers, watch out!

He is happy
He always has a smile on his face

He is a pretty funny guy
I love to listen to him crack jokes with Matt and the kids

Jakob is a perfect addition to the Archer Family.  He already fights with TJ & Tatum like a real brother would - you would never know he has only been here a short amount of time.

Oh...and let's not forget about Stoney.
Cherie will tell you that he is THE perfect dog

He was off his game on picture day...but he's still pretty cute!

Much Love to you all


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