I think it is important to be thankful for things that we are blessed to have in our lives and not let the negativity take over. My life is full of so many blessings...do I wish for bigger and better? absolutely. But I am thankful for the little things and I think it's important to keep a positive perspective no matter what.
So here starts Things I Love Tuesday
1. My husband. I absolutely love being married to my best friend. Our road has definately been full of twists and turns, but I am so blessed to be married to such a great guy. He supports me in everything I do and want to accomplish. He loves to pamper me...i mean really?? that's awesome!
2. My hooligans. My kids are ornery, full of life, super sweet, compassionate, ornery...oh wait, did I already mention that? They light up my life and drive me nuts all at the same time. They are some of the coolest people I know. I feel pretty lucky that at 13, my son will still walk up and wrap his arms around my neck in front of a room full of people.
3. My friends. This past weekend I got to spend all three days with some of my best friends. I love them so much and it makes me thankful that no matter what is going on, we can just be...nothing super planned, nothing stressful, just hanging out and enjoying our time together. I am blessed to have such a great community of friends that support me and constantly lift me up.
4. The amazing photographers that so graciously share their knowledge. I was reading a blog today by Scott Crosby and was so proud that I am a part of such a great community of people that constantly share their knowledge and help photographers like me grow and become better at what we are doing. I am so far from where I want to be in this profession, but every day I learn something new. It is because of those photographers that have a desire to see others succeed that I will one day become something great.
What do you love? What things are in your life that you might be taking for granted?
Oh, and because we all love to look at pictures...my handsome little nephew that stuck out the cold and rain to rock out on his drums for me :)

~All My love
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