It's been super busy and I am amazed at the opportunities that I am continuously blessed with. So many things are in the works, the next few months should be very exciting!!
So here are some of the things I Love this week and of course a fabulous picture at the end!
1. My clients: I have some of the coolest clients and I love being able to share in their lives with them. I spent some time this weekend with a future bride and it never ceases to amaze me how in love with my clients I am.
2. Comment Love: I love getting comments on my Facebook or Blog. Those of us that put our work out there for all to see like the encouragement and all the sweet comments. We like to know that you love what we are working on.
3. Sharing the Love: I love it when I come across other photographers that are so willing to share the love and knowledge that goes into everything we do. I am constantly blown away by the people in this industry and feel so blessed to be a part of that group. Right now I have a couple of workshops coming up...and I really am so excited for them. I also have a meeting today with a photographer to talk about renting out some studio space!!
4. My hubby: He's just a pretty cool guy!
5. This little guy: He is my first Littlest Hero and he made such a big impression. What a complete cutie! He had to make a short visit to the hospital a few days after our session, but he is back home now and on the way to getting better.
I love what I do and I love the people in my life who continually lift me up and keep me going when I'm not sure I can.
~All My Love
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