Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Fstop Frenzy Weekly Challenge {HOPE}

I don't enter a lot of challenges...because truth be told, i'm awful at staying committed to doing something on a regular basis.

However, Fstop Frenzy was started by two women that I admire so much.  So...in an attempt to improve my photography and really...get some consistency in my life of chaos :) I am going to see if I can keep up with these two girls and their weekly challenge.

Grab the FSF button

This is Week 2 and it's all about HOPE.  My blog post yesterday was all about hope and prayer.  It was also a little (or a LOT) sad.  So I am going a different direction with my version of HOPE.

This little girl makes me WORK when we get together for pictures.  She doesn't enjoy them and it's really such a shame because she is so very beautiful!  Every once in a while I get a great picture of her and her sweet little smile truly comes out...and it gives me hope.  Hope that one day she will let this sweet little smile shine thru ...all the time.

Much Love

Monday, August 29, 2011

Inspiration Through Art {Emma}

Inspiration Through Art is a group that I am affiliated with.  Here is the quick rundown on this group:

Inspiration Through Art was founded in January 2008 by Felicia Reinhard, made up of professional photographers, artists, children, and other volunteers nationwide that provide free programs and services to our nations heroes. Through the power of photography and the gift of art we are giving back and taking a stand for these children who sometimes feel forgotten because of their illnesses. We are here to let them know that they are heroes to many, and to share their inspirational stories and photos with the world.

I have been blessed with two amazing families over the last couple of years and was recently contacted by two more.  There are so many great photographers that are a part of this group - that I am truly amazed when families choose me.  I have one scheduled for a little later in the year...when it cools off - since it feels like we all might melt like a box of crayons left in the back seat of a car.

However, I have been working with Emma's mommy over the last couple of weeks to get their session scheduled as soon as possible.  The email that I received truly broke my heart.  It is so sad to me that these sweet little children struggle with so much.  They truly are little hero's for being brave and strong and still keeping a smile on their face in the midst of such enormous battles.

Emma's mommy wrote:
"Our Emma was diagnosed with A chromoshomal disorder, Trachesostomy, malformation of the brain, multicystic diaplastic kidney and several other issues. She was born on 5-14-11 and she was in the NICU for 9 weeks. She has only been home 3 weeks and will go back to the hospital for another month on 9-9-11 for open heart surgery."

I seriously wanted to rush straight over and just hug this family and love on them. 

A few days later, i received another email telling me that little Emma had been Care-flighted to the hospital because her little heart rate was too fast and they couldn't get it to come down. She was starting to show signs of congestive heart failure.  It was early in the morning when I received this email and I was driving to Dallas for a big day filled full of 6 photo shoots.  They were going to schedule heart surgery in about 6 weeks and she wanted to get the session done prior to that surgery. 

I immediately called Emma's mom and talked to her for a few minutes and told her that I was sending lots of good thoughts and prayers her way.  Again, I would have given anything to rush to the hospital and envelope them in love and prayers.  They were waiting for the cardio dr to come back and talk with them about how to move forward.

I received an update this past Saturday letting me know that Emma was going to have her heart surgery this Tuesday (tomorrow).  I am so sad that we will not get to meet before her pictures.  However, I am so thankful that she is in the best place possible to receive the care that she needs.  I am so very excited to meet this brave little girl and the family that has held hands together and prayed over her.

It is families like Emma's that remind me why I love photography.  With something so simple, I can give them capture this moment in time for them. I am so blessed because of the families that I am lucky enough to meet through Inspiration Through Art.

Until I have the amazing honor to meet Emma face to face and hug her sweet little self...please stop for a moment today and tomorrow and say a prayer with me that God will watch over this beautiful little girl and bring her thru her surgery stronger and ready to conquer the next battle she must face. 

Much Love to you Emma and your Family

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

I Heart Faces {Beautiful Eyes}

This week's theme over at I Heart Faces is beautiful eyes.  I have been working on a couple of projects with studio lighting.  When all else fails and there are no willing and able models (i.e. kids running around hiding from me when I pick up the camera) I am forced to resort to getting in front of the camera myself.

While this is NOT my favorite thing to do, it lets me remember what it feels like to be in front of the camera.  It reminds me of those insecurities that I think we all face each time we have our pictures taken.

Back to the challenge...

This week over at I Heart Faces, the focus is on beautiful eyes.  As I was looking thru images I could use for this challenge, my daughter and husband both voted for this one.

Maddie says this is my model look :) 

Now that you have read thru my end of day rambling...head over and check out some of the other Beautiful Eyes entered in this week's challenge at I Heart Faces

Much Love