Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Fstop Frenzy Weekly Challenge {HOPE}

I don't enter a lot of challenges...because truth be told, i'm awful at staying committed to doing something on a regular basis.

However, Fstop Frenzy was started by two women that I admire so much.  So...in an attempt to improve my photography and really...get some consistency in my life of chaos :) I am going to see if I can keep up with these two girls and their weekly challenge.

Grab the FSF button

This is Week 2 and it's all about HOPE.  My blog post yesterday was all about hope and prayer.  It was also a little (or a LOT) sad.  So I am going a different direction with my version of HOPE.

This little girl makes me WORK when we get together for pictures.  She doesn't enjoy them and it's really such a shame because she is so very beautiful!  Every once in a while I get a great picture of her and her sweet little smile truly comes out...and it gives me hope.  Hope that one day she will let this sweet little smile shine thru ...all the time.

Much Love


Elizabeth said...

Very cute!

Brooke said...

She adorable!

Anonymous said...

You can't tell she doesn't like it - she is beautiful and you captured her great!

Suzy G said...

She is beautiful and that smile should always be front and center. Wonderful.

Anonymous said...