Friday, June 10, 2011

Payton {Newborn Photography; Trophy Club, TX}

Meet little Payton.  You met their mommy and daddy HERE

Sweet Payton was only 10 days new when I had the honor of spending some time with her.  She was little bitty and snuggly and all the great things that newborns are.  What she was not.....was sleepy.  But awake or asleep, she was happy and beautiful.

Mom and Dad are so blessed to welcome Payton into their world.  She is a lucky little girl to have two parents that adore her. 

Let me also point out one thing for all new parents considering newborn photographers.  Finding a place in your home...or the home you choose to have your newborn session take the key to beautful images.  I do all newborn sessions with natural light.

What does that mean?  That means that I do not use flashes or studio lighting.  I find a place in your home that has a LOT of light coming in.  It might be right inside your front/back door.  It might be in your living room that has beautiful sunlight streaming in.  For Payton's session...the upstairs of their home had this amazing sky light that lit up the hallway like you just can't imagine. 

All images you see are strictly with the natural light that was available in their home. 
So...... if you are going to schedule a newborn session.  Take a look around first and make sure that you have someone in your home that has good sunlight coming in.  It truly doesn't matter what the house or the room looks like...I bet you never would have guessed all of these were done in a hallway. 

Ok...sorry - back to this beautiful little girl!  Taylor (mommy) and I were talking and she made the comment that she never thought she would dress her daughter up in pink and ruffles...

Aren't you as glad as I am that she did???  Just beautiful.  I think that one should be blown up to a big 30x40 canvas in Payton's room. 

look at this sweet little mouth! 

I am going to end with this image of Payton and her Daddy... he is so in love with his daughter and I love how sweet they both look here.


Much Love

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