Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Lighting Workshop

I just won a spot in a lighting workshop!!!! Holy Moly, i never win anything.

Let's back up a little though - over the last couple of days I saw some posts on Facebook from the lovely Dana Suggs about a workshop she attended for off camera lighting and it looked amazing. But seeing as how I am 5 hours away...it wasn't a likelihood that I would be able to attend anything like that. Curiousity got the best of me and I started checking it out. Flash forward to today - I was playing around in facebook....I mean working really hard...and I saw an update from the OkStrobist Group that they were giving away 5 free spots to their upcoming workshop.

I WON!!!!! I won a free spot. This is so great and is coming at a great time for me. I really want to learn more about off camera lighting and i think it is really going to take me to the next level.

So stinkin great!!!

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