Thursday, November 3, 2011

The C Family 2011

She has been asking for family pictures...for quite a while now.

He is your typical husband/dad...they don't ever enjoy pictures. our consultation meeting...I noticed he was already thinking about where the pictures would go in the house.  He asked how big I could print response: "Bigger than you will need" :)

The day of the session finally arrived this past weekend...poor mom was a nervous wreck!  She wanted these to turn out so great.

I think she got her wish!

They have a very handsome son...and they are super proud of him.  I loved watching them interact with him.  He's just ALMOST too cool for mom and dad.  Almost.

While waiting for everyone to change their clothes and prepare to head to our second location, I heard Dad talking to his son.  Boys/Men....let's face it, they never really like taking pictures.  They do it to keep momma happy...and that is how it should be.  What made my heart smile was him telling his son "we need to spoil her a little more often"

Dad...I do believe you might have just banked some serious brownie points after this past weekend :)
Check out these two beautiful women.  Mother and beautiful.

The whole family

  Thank you for allowing me to spend time with you and capture some AMAZING pictures.


Much Love to you C Family!


1 comment:

Cherie said...

fantastic pics.